Every Mind Renewed (End of Summer 2024)

Every Mind Renewed

Introducing the "Every Mind Renewed" campaign!

We need your support to help believers make a lasting impact through their churches and in their local areas!

We're launching a campaign to raise $7500 to create a Christian worldview curriculum that will empower believers to stand firm in their faith and engage with the world around them.

Our vision is to equip local churches, homeschool co-ops, co-schools, student ministries, and families with a dynamic, Bible-centered curriculum that trains believers to think biblically in every arena of life.

Why This Matters:

For Churches: Provide pastors and leaders with a ready-to-use curriculum to strengthen their congregations in biblical worldview training.

For Homeschool Co-ops & Co-Schools: Offer parents and educators the tools they need to instill a solid Christian foundation in the younger generation.

For Student Ministries: Engage youth with relevant and impactful teaching that prepares them to face life's challenges with a biblical perspective.

For Families: Equip families to study and apply God’s Word together, building a Christian worldview legacy for future generations.

We believe that with your support, we can take important steps toward seeing biblical truth transform minds and change lives. Will you partner with us to make this vision a reality? Every gift makes a difference!

Thank you for standing with us in our commitment to make a lasting impact for Christ's Kingdom.